Ok phew!! One day under my belt, bring on the next… My first day at the Academy was a great experience, I have met some lovely people. I now feel re-assured that there are other people going through the same emotions and worries that I am facing. I feel so privileged to be here; part of this little community of trainees, supporting and connecting with one another. 

Though, it hasn’t been plain sailing, the CLF have kept us on our toes! Today, we were faced with GCSE mock exams. When Chris told us yesterday I thought, ok, I can do this!! But then I thought about it, Whoaa I haven’t done a GCSE pass paper in six years! … Panic set in and I thought about looking on the net at the AQA pass papers. Then I re- assessed the situation, let’s find out where I actually am? So let the test commence… 

D- Day- Ok my nerves are soaring. The idea of breakfast made my stomach turn… Why was I so uptight? Sixteen-year-old children have sat the same papers this summer? Honestly, I think that’s what  worried me the most; I am training to become a teacher, what if I can’t pass the GCSE paper?

So we began the day with Emotional Intelligence Tests? What on earth are these? It sounds so alien? Thoughts buzzed in and out of my brain, will they interrogate me? I imagined an army squadron leader sitting me in a dark room, with a cup of coffee on the table and a humungous light in his hand, shining it in my direction. 

It wasn’t so bad…. Just a computerised test about how you felt, how you dealt with your emotions and situations. Why was I worried?  So, one down, one to go! Chris kept comforting us that we wouldn’t automatically be kicked off the course if we didn’t pass, but deep down in my mind I had my doubts. 

Luckily my skills and knowledge came flooding back; where they have been hiding for the last year, I can not tell you! My brain felt so rusty, but my hand hit the paper and frantically started scoring the page. 

One thought on “TESTS TESTS TEST!!

  1. I’m loving the blog Sarah, it is great to see how you are feeling and will become even more important once we get started in schools. Would love to read your reflections on the last couple of days and your list of targets. well done

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